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Thursday, 4 August 2011

Manston Kent International

Cargolux719 on finals for Runway10

Manston's tiny passenger terminal

Manston Is a Small airport Based in Ramesgate (Kent) UK , It has a one of the widest runways in the world and its also long, its capable of taking Antonov AN-124's and Boeing 747's, It also takes Flybe flight's ,,and alot of cargo ,, Cargolux, (CLX719 and CLX717) and CLX719 operated by TF-AAA on Fridays, World Airways Cargo (Operated by Allied Air) Egyptair Cargo Sometimes Avient Aviation, And a couple of weeks ago Icelandair Cargo landed there for the first time..Manston is currently refuling IranAir710 every Tuesday,Thursday and Sundays.. Monarch Airlines and Virgin Atlantic sometimes do flight training there by doing lots of touch "N" goes.
G-OETI the Manston Based Bell
Flybe Parked up at Manston
Manston's scrap pile

Egyptair Cargo 
Bambi0881 on Final Approach for runway 10

  • Manston is home to some stored aircraft
  • Ex Das Air Cargo McDonnell Douglas DC-10-30CF
  • 2 Douglas DC-8's
  • 4 Boeing 747's
  • Ex RAAF Boeing 707
  • Ex RAF Nimrod.

Manston has recently had a new radar installed i have not seen it in person  but have seen pictures of and it alot better than the old one

Monarch Airlines Airbus A320

Summing everything up my conclusion is that Manston Kent International Airport is the BEST Airport inn the world....



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